Daniel C. Rigney, a long-time missionary with Ariel
Ministries, passed out of this life into one infinitely better on
September 28th, 2010 at the age of 73. Daniel came to saving faith in 1962, when he accepted Messiah Jesus as his
savior. It was soon after coming to believe that
Daniel began using his gifts for the Kingdom of God. For over 46 years, Daniel and his
wife Arlene were fully involved in Jewish outreach and
discipleship. They
served many years within the Jewish community of Baltimore, a good
amount of time was also spent in ministry in Russia, as well as each
Summer at Camp Shoshanah. Many people came to faith, and many more
were discipled. There are dozens of believers in active service for
the Lord today who were mentored or discipled by Daniel over the
last four decades, some of these are prominent leaders within
Messianic Jewish ministry. We honor
Dan’s example of faithfulness. Dan & Arlene have been mainstays at Camp Shoshanah. They were involved in many areas of the Camp program, with Dan being Camp Manager for most of the years from 1973 thru the mid 1990's. Dan served as Camp Chaplain for all those years and right through to his last summer there, 2010. He was a counselor, friend, confidante, teacher, preacher, as well as being pretty handy with a power saw or a plumbers wrench. He oversaw the worship services and established and ran the men's prayer gathering. For some arriving from long distances or overseas, Dan was their initial intro to Camp as he and Arlene picked up incoming students at Bus, Train & Ferry terminals. For many, their memory of their first morning waking up at Camp was Daniel's booming voice coming over the loudspeaker at 7 AM with the words: "GOOD MORNING CAMP SHOSHANAH" !! followed by a word of encouragement or a silly song. Hebrews 11 is the roll-call of those believers before Messiah who lived a life of faith. If there was an equivalent for this age of Grace, the name of Daniel Rigney would appear as one who lived each day desiring to do what he could for the Kingdom and to tell others about the King. Well done, good and faithful servant . . . Enter into the joy of your Master MB |
Dan officiates over a Family/Baby Dedication for Jewish
believers at Camp, 2003. He's wearing his Israeli Army Kippah.
Dan & Arlene Rigney always had a group of
believers from
their Baltimore Fellowship in the early years, 1984 is pictured here.
Shabbat Diners at Camp have always been special occasions.
This photo is circa 1985, from left:
Mary Ann & Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Arlene & Dan Rigney, Trish P, and Barney K on
Dan & Arlene at Camp Shoshanah in
Pages could be written to describe this photo, suffice it to say that almost 30 years ago Dan discipled two young Jewish men in Baltimore, believers in Messiah. They followed him to Camp Shoshanah to further that discipleship. There they met some young ladies, whirlwind courtships ensued, and both couples soon found themselves under the Chupah. God blessed the unions with children, eleven in all, some of whom are seen here in 2007, with Cupid in the Camp Golf Cart. Thanks Dan! |
Dan playing Auctioneer at a sale to raise funds
for the new building, 2004, assisted by Zael
Dan & Arlene Rigney, Autumn 2004
Dan & Arlene at the head table for our Shabbat
Dinner 2008
During Camp Shoshanah 2011,
people shared testimonies of how Dan Rigney had
encouraged them in following the Messiah:
Markus and many kids at Camp were encouraged by Dan |
At this Shabbat Service & dinner Brynn & many others remembered friend & Camp Chaplin Daniel Rigney |
Missy tells of Dan Rigney's impact on her family |
Terry shares |
Dan influenced Deborah and many young people at Camp with his testimony |
Michael reads a tribute from his family |
Here are links to the Ariel Prayer Band and the Ariel Newsletter that came out after Dan's homegoing:
http://www.ariel.org/com/pdf/pb10sepoct.pdf l http://www.ariel.org/com/pdf/n10fall.pdf
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Camp Shoshanah, Gary Demers - Supervisor
838 Trout Pond Rd - Keeseville, NY 12944
tel# 518-835-6057
- www.ARIEL.org
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This website is maintained by volunteer
supporters of Camp Shoshanah. This page edited by MB, in thanks for my friend
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